MAX Burgers
MAX is not only Sweden’s favourite hamburger restaurant chain, it is also one of the first. Back in 1968 the founders of MAX, Curt Bergfors and Britta Andersson, opened their first restaurant in Gällivare, high up in the northern part of Sweden.
Their hamburgers became so popular that within two years they opened more restaurants. Soon thereafter MAX was established in several other cities in Norrland (the northern part of Sweden). The rest is history.
Short facts
- 170 + restaurants worldwide
- Approx. 7 400 employees worldwide
- Turnover of 400 million Euro
- Most satisfied customers in the business, nineteenth years in a row
- Most preferred burgers in Sweden
- Top taste in test after test
MAX is family owned
The founder, Curt Bergfors was working chairman of the board until his death in 2022 and the family still owns 100 percent of the company. Richard Bergfors is the company’s President and Christoffer Bergfors is the Vice President.
Franchise partner
MAX is special – and so is our approach to franchising. We want to create the same feeling among our franchise partners as that we have created among our employees, that is to say, you are to be a member of the MAX family. We believe in a long-term, strong and profitable partnership between our franchise partner and ourselves.